
Membership Benefits

  • 30 min. private lesson with one of our PGA certified professionals. (Must be used within 60 days of joining date.)
  • Access to the Pitch and Putt Course for FREE with the purchase of an Extra Large bucket.
  • 5 visit guest pass to Columbia Athletic Clubs - Silver Lake.
  • 5 medium buckets at the time of sign up.
  • 10% off private and semi-private lessons.
  • $1 off buckets when purchased at the front desk.
  • Access to Member Socials/Events.
  • 1-hour of Toptracer

(No substitutions allowed.)

Annual Membership Rates

Individual……………… $110/year

Couple…………………. $170/year*

Junior………………….. $75/year

(Annual membership begins from the date you join, and expires one year from your joining date.)

*Each individual receives all the membership benefits listed above. Prices subject to Washington state sales tax.