Pine Lake Swim Team Registration

  • Participant Information

  • Reservation Request For

  • Select One
  • Contact Information

  • Policies and Procedures

  • Enrollment Procedures

    • Submitting this form is confirming your request for the swimmers enrollment into lessons and all indicated session dates.
    • Request forms will be sorted by when recieved as well as by Member and Non-member.
    • Participants will receive payment receipt and email confirmation upon enrollment.
    • Enrollment to the Swim Team does not give a non-member swimmer, or their family, access to any other areas of the Cub including the exercise facility, sauna, steam room or member locker rooms. Non-member swimmers are to use the changing areas and showers located in the aquatic center.

    Cancellation and Refunds

    • Cancellation or un-enrollment from future sessions or classes must be received by email.
    • Once monthly session started there will be no refunds or make-up classes.

    Monthly Billing

    • Billing is monthly and will occur during the first week of each month. Once enrolled, billing will be continuous unless written notification is received prior to the first of the month. Our Swim Team is often full with some groups having a waitlist of swimmers. If a swimmer would like to take a particular month off, this needs to be received in writing prior to the first of the month. Keep in mind, taking time off will allow us to fill the space by a swimmer who may be on the wait list.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.