Personal Training – “Your Partner in Fitness”

Regardless of your motivation behind your fitness journey, CAC offers a variety of training solutions to help you reach your goals. Our training team consists of dedicated professionals who are educated, punctual, creative, friendly and ready to be your partner in fitness.

Many people end their fitness journey within the first 90 days of joining an athletic club due to a lack of direction accountability, and motivation or simply because they are  intimidated. Allow the CAC training staff to guide you, knock down barriers and provide you with the BEST opportunity to succeed.

While we understand that you have a lot of options on how to navigate your fitness journey, we feel confident that our trainer led solutions will efficiently get you where you want to go safer and faster.

Check below to see our 4-Step Training Process to find the path that interest you the most.

Step #1: Strategy Session

CAC Strategy Session is a complimentary, trainer led session to learn more about your unique physical characteristics and gather baseline fitness/athletic metrics. This information is utilized to set “challenging yet doable goals”, overcome barriers to success, track achievements, and create a 21-Day fitness plan just for you.

During these 60-minutes you will:

1. Meet and greet  

  • Set/Review goals
  • Discuss obstacles and barriers 

2. Establish a starting point

  • Body composition
  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Muscular Strength and Endurance
  • Range of motion 

3. Learn by doing 

  • Trainer led and designed workout 
  • Proper equipment use
  • Proper exercise form

4. Team huddle

  • Celebrate your accomplishments  
  • Discuss trainer notes and observations 
  • Trainer provided recommendations for success

Ready to Strategize?

Click here to fill out our fitness questionnaire. Our Fitness Coordinator will contact you to get you started and provide additional information.

Ready to take your next step?

Step #2: 21-Day “Jump Start” Challenge

The 21-Day challenge is designed to give participants a sneak-peek into CAC’s personal training program(s) by working with a trainer 1-on-1 and in a small group environment. For this challenge, a CAC trainer will be your “partner in fitness” by providing a customized 21-day fitness plan, motivation, accountability, tracking and education. Included, is a Jump-Start score card that when completed earns you discounts on CAC training services.
Fee: $199.99 + tax

21-Day “Jump Start” Includes

  • 2 IMPACT Small Group Personal Training Sessions
  • 3 1:1 Personal Training Sessions 
  • 4 Group Exercise Classes

Score Card Challenge 

  • Complete all components of the 21-Day Challenge
  • Complete 4 Group Exercise Classes 
    -Receive 15% off any Training Membership or Service (1X only) 
    -Receive CAC T-Shirt

Ready for a Challenge?

Click here to fill out our fitness questionnaire. Our Fitness Coordinator will contact you to get you started and provide additional information.

Step #3: Choose Your Training Solution

CAC offers a variety of trainer led programs guaranteed to show results in a shorter amount of time. From individual sessions and monthly training memberships to youth and athletic programs, CAC has a solution that works for YOU!

1:1 Personal Training

  • 1:1 Personal Training provides an experience TRULY customized to your unique physical characteristics

Small Group Personal Training

  • IMPACT training ensures the personal attention and programming of 1-on-1 training with the fun, energy, and motivation of a fitness community. Click here to go to the IMPACT page.

Youth and Athletic Development Training

  • S.C.O.R.E  training is designed to improve an athletes “on-field” performance while decreasing the occurrence of injuries. Click here to go to the S.C.O.R.E. page.

Ready to Choose?

Click here to fill out our 1-minute fitness questionnaire. Our Fitness Coordinator will contact you to get you started and provide additional information.

Step #4: Ready…Set…Sweat!

Congratulations on taking control of your health, fitness, and performance. While the journey is just beginning, feel confident in your decision to work with a personal trainer as the quickest, most effective way to meet and exceed your goals. To discuss “Custom” training packages, please contact our Fitness Coordinator.

Ready to get better results in a shorter amount of time?

Click the link here and fill out our 1-minute fitness questionnaire. Our Fitness Coordinator will contact you to get you started and provide additional information.

PERSONAL TRAINING FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the qualifications of your training team:
CAC’s training team consists of nationally certified and/or degreed professionals in areas including muscle building, weight loss, nutrition, athletic performance, CrossFit, post-rehab and mobility. Our team has worked with a wide demographic including youth (11 to 21 years old), active living (65+) and those with serious health and/or orthopedic conditions. Further, our team is proficient in the use of functional tools including kettlebells, TRX, and Olympic barbells. To see the individual qualifications of our team click here.

2. Following my Strategy Session will I be “hard selled” into buying training?
We strongly believe that CAC’s Personal Training Programs are the safest and most efficient way to achieving your fitness goal(s), however, we DO NOT believe in high pressure sales tactics. Inevitably this is YOUR journey and we want to make sure that you are well informed and exposed to the benefits of training so that you feel confident in your purchase decisions. While we will certainly follow-up with you periodically to check-in on your progress/interest level, there is never an expectation, obligation or pressure to purchase personal training.

3. How long are 1:1 training sessions and are other training packages available?
CAC exclusively advertises 60-minute 1:1 personal training sessions on our marketing material (as they are the most popular and effective option). However, we can create a custom training package to meet your needs. This includes 30-minute and 45-minute training sessions as well as partner training. Further, we offer training to nonmembers at an increased rate of 30%. Please click here to get in touch with our Fitness Coordinator to set up a custom training package.

4. How do you determine which trainer is BEST for me?
Initially, the determination is often based on the trainer(s) who best accommodate your scheduling needs. After that has been established, we look at other important factors such as: your unique goals (and potential barriers), trainer “areas of expertise”, training style, personality and gender. We feel confident that any of our trainers will be a solid match and encourage you to review the qualifications and biography of our training team by clicking here.

5. Shouldn’t I work out on my own until I am fit enough to work with a trainer?
While this is a common belief among those new to training, a high level of fitness is never a requirement for working with a personal trainer (1:1 OR small group), in fact one of the reasons we encourage a complimentary strategy session is so our team can meet you at your current level of fitness and design a program that focuses on feeling accomplished; NOT defeated.

6. What am I supposed to do on my days away from my trainer?
Much of this question will be answered during the 21-Day Jump Start in which you and your trainer will map out weekly goal related fitness activities. This may include a recommended combination of 1:1 training, small group personal training, and group exercise classes. Further, depending on your exercise proficiency and confidence, trainers may prescribe “self-guided” workout(s) requiring you to follow a trainer written workout by yourself.

7. When can I expect to see results while working with a trainer?
This honestly depends on the level of commitment, consistency, and intensity given by YOU as there are no magic pills, exercises or workouts. While the training team creates the road map for success through goal specific programs, education, motivation, and accountability, you are the one driving the car. All said, you should see fitness related adaptations within the first 4 to 8 weeks of training.